For the Love of Chocolate

June 30- July 2, 2019
What does it take to get an eleven year old to write a blog post? More than I have been able to entice her with. Not even more chocolate will do it. So, I will blame Halyn for the delay on blog posts. This is Hershey, Pennsylvania and it will be a post of photos, because I can't do her experience justice. The girl had the time of her life and she wore this Meme out.
I manage one small rollercoaster ride, but I regret it immediately. Should have known when I see all the teenagers in line. Halyn, however, rides on every ride imaginable that takes you to death defying heights. Me... well, I sit on a bench...take photos where I can. We are here the first week of July for 3 nights. Luckily, I am able to remedy my snafu. I booked us in the wrong RV park...11miles away! Once we settle into the right place, Halyn is off and running. The campground offers a variety of activities before we even head over to the amusement park. We get free access to the park for four hours before our full day admission. This is one of the benies of staying at a Hershey property. The following day we spend 14 hours in the both the amusement and water park. Yes, I said 14 hours!

We haven't even made it to Chocolate Town yet. Her interest in all this started when she read a biography on Milton Hershey in 3rd grade! She decided this destination is "bucket list" material. So here we are and what a lucky girl is she. Cause I'll tell you, there is not one other grandchild who will get me into an amusement park ever

Halyn is very literally the first person in the park for our full day experience. Her excitement can't be contained and the staff think she is a hoot. Hersheypark is packed with more than 70 attractions, including 14 coasters and an ENTIRE water park. We are ready....ok she is ready.

Chocolate Town is our last whirlwind adventure. They don't tour the actual factory anymore. Now it's kind of like It's a Small world attraction as you follow cocoa beans on a chocolate making tour. But the real immersion is making authentic HERSHEY'S chocolate bar. You choose ingredients and design your own wrapper.

Hersheypark Camping Resort offers immaculate RV, cabin, and tent sites in a beautiful setting conveniently located just minutes from Hersheypark by free shuttle. We decide to spend a third night. After our Hershey tour we just want to hang out at the pool before moving on down the road.
Our campsite is on what they were calling a creek. It is a pretty fast moving river in my book. Just the peace and quiet we need at the end of the day. The Lego Movie projected on the side of the barn is the finale.

Halyn and Catherine

It isn't what you leave your children but how you leave them.
Milton S. Hershey