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Oh, My Broken Heart

It's really hot. Heat index 101º. I've been planning and scheming and now packing for what seems forever. If I can get out of SoFlo as scheduled, I will start to experience cooler temps by the time I reach southern Illinois. I am staying east of the Mississippi once again this year. There are family functions to attend and a child's bucket list to start checking off. I'll come back to that.

This has been a difficult start for a trip that I look so forward to every year. And if I am honest, it feels at times unbearable to think of going on this trip. How can I think of traveling without him? On May 10, we held Sitka in our arms as he crossed the rainbow bridge. I just can't seem to fill the hole that is in my heart. Sitka was the best travel companion, excellent co-pilot, my protector and best friend. Our adventures together are what my blogs were made of. He will always travel with me. Yep, I will have his ashes and his mini-me with me. And truth be told, I know, he is with me always. The next morning after he left us. I was sitting on the dock. There was not a cloud in the sky. Not one cloud. And in front of me forms an angel wing! My heart was filled with warmth. I instantly knew it was him. He shows up in the clouds all the time now. As soon as I recognize that it's him, his form just drifts into indiscernible puffs in the sky. I love it. I love him... always and forever.

Sitka sitting in the petals of the bloom from the silk floss tree. The fragrance is intoxicating. I always said this is what heaven will smell like. Now I know this is what heaven will look like.

I intend to be on the road June 8. Gerard once again is happy to remain in one place and that's at home with the kitties. One thing Sitka taught me is travel slow and stop often. Last year, he only could ride 3 to 4 hours at a time in the van. Seems like a good rule to continue. I will travel north exploring caves, canyons and covered bridges along the way.

So this year, my nieces graduated. Sara from high school and Sydney from 8th grade. Chicago is the place to celebrate. My son and family are driving down to be part of the festivities and my almost 11 year old granddaughter, Halyn, has decided to take on the co-pilot role. She has some places on her list she wants to experience... Niagara Falls and Hershey, Pennsylvania. She also wants to go to Yellowstone!

But here's the kicker, on May 4th, I broke my wrist while hiking in Arizona and while trying to get home, I came down with pneumonia. Then I had to have surgery to piece the wrist all back together. Insurance should cover most of this fiasco, but my portion is yet to be seen. Like I said, I may not get west of the Mississippi this year.

At least the hike in Arizona was stunning.

Granite Dells in Prescott, AZ

Last year, one of the destinations was Lake Lakengren in Ohio for the Fourth of July celebration. We are invited to return and that is as far as this year's journey is planned. Will Halyn be homesick and want to return to Minnesota? Will we decide to head west after all? Or will the hospital bills turn me back towards SoFlo? Into the mystery we go. It's all part of the adventure, right?

See you on the road.


Sitka's gift ... his angel wing

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